I got up an hour later today, meaning I slept through half an hour of daylight, but I needed it.
I actually slept through the football game I was going to watch two nights ago too. Which is horribly depressing, because the next game isn't until tomorrow, so I missed my only shot to watch football in an Irish pub. :(
But I think I'm on the edge of getting sick. I felt awful yesterday morning, nose running and stomach hurting--though that may have only been because I stuffed my face at breakfast. It's free, so I feel like I have to eat as much as humanly possible.
The biggest problem yesterday morning was actually the map, which was neither correct nor complete. It warned me, says right on it that it's not to scale, but still. The walk from Guinness to the Gaol looks to be maybe a sixth the length of the walk from the hostel to Guinness, but it took the same amount of time.
Once I got there though, it was incredibly worth it. Kilmainham Gaol, a jail that has bene part of 6 different Irish rebellions, including the 1916 Easter uprising and the Irish Civil War. I went on a guided tour with two other people and the guide, who was awesome. (Except he made fun of me for not knowing my history based on the fact that I didn't know Charles Stewart captained the USS Constitution during the War of 1812. I mean, honestly.)
Also, at the end of the tour, we got to see a crew shooint a reenactment scene for a documentary. We saw someone get executed by firing squad, which was really just people aiming, the click of empty guns, and the guy falling onto a mattress. Still cool though. And did you know that firing squards had 13 people, and there were 12 bullets and a blank? No one knew who had the blank, so each man could tell himself that maybe he wasn't actually responsible for killing that person. Interesting, huh?
From the Gaol I went to the Guinness Storehouse. On the way, I got asked directions. Honestly, I am the LEAST fashionable person on the street, what with my tennis shoes and safari pants and ridiculous hat and fleece whose pockets are weighed down tieh valuable. Clearly, I am not European. But it happened to me on the way to Avenue Q in London and again yesterday. I did, actually, know where both people were trying to get, but still can't believe of all people to ask, they picked me.
The Guinness Storehouse was really neat, and the view from the top floor was great. Even thogh I don't drink beer, I made it through my free pint at the top. It took me a *while*, but I did it.
Then it was back toward home. Did a bit of browing in Temple Bar shops, and ate at Elephant & Castle, where my friend who's studying in Galway told me to go and get chicken wings. I did, and it was an excellent choice, if a bit overpriced.
Then interneting with The Boyfriend. I would have posted then but the cafe closed an hour early, which was annoying.
Today I went back to my bench in Merrion Square. It's my favorite spot in Dublin. But alas, the sickness seemed to strike again. I walked around a bit instead, which kept me a little warmer, but eventually had to go back to the hostel, where I wrote and read and slept and packed. And ate my leftover chicken wings. :)
No football game tonight, but I figure I've got to go to a pub anyway, just see what it's like. London tomorrow, and I bought my ticket from Paris to Nantes, so I will definitely make it all the way to Emily on Sunday! I can't wait!
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hope you feel better!!! can't wait to see you! p.s. did you watch 30 rock online??? that was one of my favorite quotes from this season!